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tv   11 News at 5  NBC  September 25, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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community she will not return to the policy of the past, which come at its peak, led to an arrest rate of one in six -- which, at its peak, led to an arrest rate of one in six. that we is an anxiety are going back to a time when communities felt like their kids were under siege. i want to allay any concerns that might be out there that that is the tactic that we will return to, that that is not going to happen. thehe mayor also suggested governor help her stem the flow of illegal guns that come in from other counties and other states, something she says the governor can do something about. reporting live, jayne miller, wbal-tv 11 news. deputies are searching for a pair of thieves who robbed a bank.
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two masked man held up the bank on rock spring road -- two masked men held up a bank on rock spring road. anyone with information is asked to call the hartford county sheriff's office. >> latebreaking this evening out of washington, new, chilling video is being released to the fbi from the navy yard mass shooting. the images show aaron alexis in the hallway the day 12 people were gunned down. they are also unveiling some key evidence that could play to a motive in the case. 11 news reporter nikole killion joins us from washington. >> good evening. wasfbi says aaron alexis delusional and believed he was being controlled by electromagnetic waves. surveillance video and photos released by the f ei show aaron alexis ash -- released by the
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fbi show aaron alexis using a valid pass to enter building 197, where he worked as an i.t. contractor. the video shows him roaming the hallways, caring a remington 870 shotgun that had been altered -- carrying a remington .870 shotgun that had been altered. on the barrel it reads "end to "notorment," it also says what y'all say." weapon."y alf fbi says alexis suffered delusions. >> a document stated, "ultra attack is what i have been subject to for the past three months. and to be perfectly honest, that is what has driven me to this." >> the investigation continues.
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separate reviews are now underway involving security clearance procedures and access to military facilities worldwide. >> as you look at the video, he looks pretty methodical in what he is doing. what else can you tell us about the way he carried out the shootings? >> that is what is interesting. investigators say there is no indication he was targeting specific people. it appeared more people were shot at random. we are also learning the shooting took place over the course of about an hour. authorities saying the size of the building contributed to the time it took to end the rampage. >> thank you. >> the state department is renewing its global terrorism alert for u.s. citizens after the horrific mall attack in kenya by al qaeda-linked extremists. in a new worldwide caution issued, officials say they remain concerned about threats to u.s. citizens overseas.
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essential targets include high- profile sporting events, places of worship, and other -- potential targets include high- profile sporting events, places of worship, and other places where americans gather in large numbers. some customers pretended to be dead until help arrived. the very latest from investigators -- 67 people dead, 175 injured. or than 60 remain hospitalized -- more than 60 remain hospitalized. >> the most recent debate over the affordable care act is vitally over. republican senator to -- ted cruz spoke. more from capitol hill. >> the test vote to keep the government funded was unanimous, 100-0, to proceed with the debate. >> the gays are 100, the names are zero the ayes are 100, the e
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zero. >> the vote came in our after senator ted cruz finally stepped off the senate floor. after senatorour ted cruz finally stepped off the senate floor. >> this was all about educating the american public. voiced his opposition to the affordable care act, trying to delay a must-past spending bill -- must-pass spending bill. >> it has not worked. >> some republicans wanted to vote on fiscal responsibility. >> i hope we will not go down a bunch of political rabbit trails that take away from the seriousness of trying to solve our country's political problems at large. >> and some democrats were frustrated with his tactics. >> for lack of a better way of describing this, it has been a big waste of time. >> debate obamacare all you
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want, but please don't threaten to shut down the government because you cannot get your way. >> this as the white house is releasing some new numbers -- an idea of what americans will pay for health care. an average of $328 per month, a cost that varies by state. and a key vote to keep the government funded could come as soon as this friday. >> a crash this morning between a school bus and a cadillac escalade. >> it sent dozens to the hospital. >> seeing your child on fire and screaming "help me" is definitely pretty terrifying. >> it is an image this woman will never forget. apparently, the culprit was her e-cigarette exploding. a massive effort for the fda to crack down. >> new at 5:30, is this paying
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off for teachers? >> beautiful weather again. we are tracking a few showers. we will keep an
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>> authorities in waldorf are trying to determine what caused an early morning bus crash that sent 35 students to the
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hospital. it happened around 8:00 this morning. authorities say the bus was headed to north pointe high school when an suv struck it head-on. most of the students were taken to the hospital as a precaution. the driver of the suv suffered some serious injuries. he is reported to be in stable condition. we begin tonight's medical alert with a frightening trend when it comes to the cigarettes. billed as a safer alternative to tobacco, rates are skyrocketing. now attorneys general from 40 states including maryland are calling on the fda to regulate them and not put a decision off. one woman said she had been charging her east cigarettes in the car when it blew up. >> a big bang. then a flash. there was smoke everywhere. >> catastrophic failure of the device.
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fortunately, only minor burns, but painful burns. >>he biggest concern for officials right now is that the products are currently regulated the same way tobacco products are, which is a problem. they are being marketed to children through khartoum-like ads and specialized flavors. a flame retardant linked to learning problems in jeweled was bannedchildren in california 10 years ago. it is called pbde. it can enter the body through household dust and food. research showed that even at low levels of exposure in pregnancy, it affected a child's iq and learning ability. california banned the substance in 2004. a new study reveals that blood levels in pregnant women at a san francisco hospital fell by two thirds since they were last tested three years ago. experts credit the ban on the substance and said the drop happened a lot more quickly than they expected.
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>> now you're 11 instaweather plus forecast with tom kassel meyer. relative humidity around 30%, temperatures in the low to mid 70s, a little sunshine out there, it is a beautiful weather pattern. it is holding across the baltimore area. chestertown, 71 degrees currently. columbia, 72. a little cooler out in western maryland. 64 in frostburg. down towards salisbury, approaching the 80 degree mark. all most a 20 degree spread across the state of baltimore -- across the state. baltimore, certainly sitting pretty. a couple of showers not too far away. arts of central and southern virginia. tose showers will scoot off the east night. we are picking up the cloud cover on the northern fringe of this activity. not expecting the rain to get here, but the clouds will track through over dwight -- overnight.
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statewideartly skies in the early night into thursday morning. with a little bit of cloud cover, that will keep the temperature up by a couple of degrees. we will call it save 48 in the northern suburbs, 60 downtown near the harbor, and a light breeze. this weather system will be gone by tomorrow afternoon as it tracks to our south. it moves off the coast, and once it leaves, the high-pressure north of us will reestablish itself over the region. that means more sunshine untapped going into friday and saturday and most of sunday as well. a pretty strong cold front coming out of the northern rockies. they have winter storm warnings in effect for parts of montana and northwestern wyoming. rein in the lower elevations. snow in the higher elevations. as it makes its approach to us. maybe we will pick up a little bit of rain early next week. rain chances are minimal for the next several days. a little cloud cover in the morning tomorrow, sunshine in the afternoon. what's of sunshine friday and
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saturday. he might start the mornings off with a little bit of fog in the area, that it will run up to afternoon sunshine saturday and sunday. the weather pattern will really not change a lot the next few days. deveney 1-76 tomorrow. sunrise on thursday morning at 6:58. the bay forecast calls for the wind.east water temperatures in the low 70s. high tide afternoon tomorrow at fort mchenry. the western maryland mountains in the low 60s today. a little more sunshine each day. some spectacular early fall weather in the mountains. over to easton and camidge tomorrow, partly cloudy and 73. a sunny day on friday, 75. the lower eastern shore, temperatures and low 70s with sunny to partly cloudy skies. the seven-day forecast, if you like what we have had the past few days, you will love the next couple. tomorrow looks like today, 75 and sunny on friday. arlie cloudy on sunday.
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the six degrees. a 20% chance of a shower on monday with highs near 78. >> a bank is robbed twice in one week. police have a suspect behind bars. >> the charges that he is facing tonight and how baltimore city police helped to bring him in. >> baltimore's horseshoe casino is going up quickly. i will take you inside the construction zone, new at 6:00. for apecial honor baltimore county employee credited for saving a family's life. that story is straight ahead.
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>> a story of someone going above and beyond. his name is bruce wood. he is a trash truck driving. he received a hero pin today for saving the lives of the family and her dog. >> talk about being in the right
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place at the right time. it would've saw the family's home was on fire. he banged on her door and got them all out just in the nick of time. >> what you think would have happened? >> i would not be standing here talking to you. >> patti miller shudders when she thinks about what could have happened if she and her family never crossed paths with bruce wood, a trash truck driver in baltimore county. >> i was just doing what anybody would do. trying to help people. >> it was september 6 at around 6:30 in the morning. wood was on his regular route and noticed smoke coming out of this home. he told two other men with him to call 911 and check the front door. >> i ran around the back. the back was like on fire already. i started banging on the door and screaming for them. to beatingwoke up and banging and screaming at the door. >> miller says she and her husband and dog made a run for the front door just as wood was
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about to smash it in with a baseball bat that he keeps in his truck. littleere -- they were a dazed and confused. they came out. i got them out and was able to get the dog to come out. everybody was out safe. >> the amazing and frightening thing is, literally the moment everyone was accounted for and safe, the roof already engulfed in flames collapsed. wednesday, baltimore county honored bruce wood for his efforts, presenting him an executive citation and this hero can for his bravery. he also got the greatest gift of all, he reunited with the family he helped save. >> if it wasn't for you, i would not be here. would be here. thank you so much. forever. [applause] to show you just how rare it is to get one of these hero pens here in baltimore county, in the past 10 years, less than 20 have
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been given out. i am lowell melzer, wba ltv 11 news. >> that is pretty amazing. and storesp, schools placed on lockdown after a deadly workplace shooting in new york. >> we will have the latest on the manhunt coming up. >> coming up, we will find out what some cities are saying about their contract three years later. >> the ravens are away this weekend. come monday night, this field will be packed, and so will the club level as mothers and daughters and grandmothers -- ladies night. that story is straight ahead. >> a reminder. season premiere week continues this week. "revolution" moves to its new night and time. at 9:00, it is a two-hour season premiere of "law and order: special victims unit." that is all here on tv 11.
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>> live, local, latebreaking -- you are watching wbal tv 11 news at 5:00 p.m. sky team 11 covering breaking news where you live. wbal tv 11 news at 5:00 p.m. continues now. >> new tonight at 5:30, it was billed as a landmark teacher
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contract, one that was supposed to pave the way for baltimore city teachers to earn more money. as it paid off? >> the contract has been enforced for almost three years now, and the union says it is not perfect but that the school system has made good on at least one of the promises. that is a bigger paycheck. >> the starting salary is the highest in the state. 11 news education reporter tim tooten joins us with the follow- up. >> a first-year teacher can earn more than $47,000 a year. that is $4000 more than the state average. joost will tell you it is not all about the money. -- most will tell you it is not all about the money. >> she is a teacher at a charter school in east baltimore. he has taught in the city for 12 years. he remembers the day teachers voted to accept a new contract. >> with the contract that we have, we are able to say at least a little bit the way we reward our people has something to do with the outcomes we are looking for. >> the contract was called
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landmark because teachers can speed up the time it would take them to make more money, either by taking college courses or earning more achievement units. hundreds of teachers came to baltimore. openthink this year, we school with no vacancies. that is rare. she admits the contract is still a work in progress. >> all in all, the contract has worked. there are still things we are working on. this is a new path. when you are blazing a new path, we are able to step over problems. >> teachers could not agree more. he said the district has made good on at least one promise. >> i see the way it has helped me, and i know it has helped other teachers in a similar way. to give us control over how we get compensated, just a little bit of control, it makes a big difference. >> the union is headed back to the bargaining tape -- table.
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a number of teachers have been able to live with the contract. >> the school system and the union agree to extend the current teacher contract. another big education story we are following, students graduating from college may soon have a new way to help showcase their abilities to potential employers. it is called the college exit test, and it evaluates the skills many employers say they care most about my critical thinking and problem solving. out how lee is finding much clout it will carry on alert -- on a resume. >> this test is new. one more tool to stand out in an extremely competitive world. college students at george washington university say they weren't -- they worry about how they will look on paper when the graduate. ,> there is so much different great measurements at different schools. >> you don't want to many internships that do not need a lot. >> starting this spring,
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standardized assessment team dubbed the college exit test could help students differentiate themselves on the resume. >> if there was a way to show my skills, i would be willing to take it. >> the test looks like this and measures a students critical thinking and analytical skills through a part-essay, part multiple-choice assessment. >> we know these are the types of skills that the employers are interested in. these are skills that are above and beyond content knowledge. >> research associates recently surveyed 300 employers who hire graduates, and 93% said that those skills are more important than what a student majored in. >> but this career coach doubts employers will give this test much consideration. >> i don't think taking and assessment would help you find a job. the real important thing is for you to be able to give a very sustained pitch about who you are and what you want to do. >> students will get to decide for themselves whether to pick up the pen for one more test.
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universities have been using a similar assessment for years to internally evaluate their own programs, but for the first time this spring, students will be able to take the test voluntarily and share scores with employers. i am danielle lee, wbal tv 11 news. u.s. news & world report is out with its annual list of the best high schools in the nation. as for schools in our region, clarksville, that is howard county, seventh in maryland. the george washington carver center for arts and technology also ranks. you can see the complete list of our website at relatedg on a not so education news item, the university of maryland college park has just been named the 10th top already school -- party school in the nation by playboy magazine. importing live, kim t -- tiom
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totten. >> here is a look at some of the other stories we're following right now. authorities say a man and woman are behind multiple armed robberies, all targeting a bank in westminster. tonight, they tracked down one of the suspects inside a baltimore city motel. detectives from carroll counties's cheryl's -- sheriffs office found the man at hotel six -- motel 6. thompson confessed he was the man in the surveillance photo demanding money at the new windsor state bank. deputies are still looking for his accomplice identified only as diana. thompson says she was getting -- was her getaway car operator. well, a manhunt is underway in new york for the man behind the deadly shooting inside his former workplace. so far, police have been searching the region for about seven hours. we are told the gunmen entered the office and opened fire.
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one person is dead and another wounded. the suspect is described as an asian male in his night -- in his 60s. all schools any area are on lockdown. >> a postage proposal is in the works tonight as the u.s. postal service tries to overcome its massive financial woes. >> how much it could cost you to send a letter come new year's day. that is in this afternoon's consumer alert. >> first, four people are injured in a triple train crash. we will tell you what started it all when we cover the nation. >> you might have seen this building in south baltimore. it is under construction. it is baltimore's new casino. i will take you inside at 6:00.
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>> some new details on a story we brought you latebreaking yesterday at 5:00. a rescue is underway in frederick county after a man found himself trapped in a trench. emergency crews say they arrived on the scene to find the man
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stuck in the water filled ditch with mud and construction debris , water up to his chest, and the water was rising. the skewers were able to turn off the water, and they managed to ask great -- to extricate the man. he was flown to the hospital in stable condition. >> as we cover the nation, a triple train collision in texas forces at least 30 freight cars from the tracks. trainals say a trade -- a rear-ended another one, and a third train slammed into the accident scene. two crew members were injured critically. meanwhile, it was breaking news last night at 11:00, the evacuation of a police headquarters building in columbus, ohio. investigators say the source of the explosion was a battery for a hydraulic ladder and it exploded in the lobby of the building. the latter was being used on site for an installation
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project. authorities say no one was injured and there was no major damage. he office was back up and running early this morning. >> covering the world, rescue teams are struggling to provide food and shelter to hundreds of people in pakistan after tuesday's 7.7 magnitude earthquake. the death toll is -- has topped 200 seven people, and most of the victims were killed when their homes collapsed. several hundred more were injured. officials say they are in the process of sending doctors, food, and medicine to that area. >> still ahead tonight, some cars already have them, but tonight the federal government says it is going to move forward with rearview video systems. >> they are amazing print the systems could be a recommended feature for all automakers. coming up tonight, why consumer advocate groups are taking the issue to court. >> the ravens defense has not allowed to touch on the last two weeks. a big part of that is the secondary. we will talk with one of the rising stars on the backend. that is straightahead. >> tracking a few showers down in virginia.
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a very nice forecast for the baltimore area. instaweather plus coming up next.
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>> i am rob daniels live in the 11 newsroom. here's what we are working on for 6:00. handletle over how to baltimore city violence continues tonight between the city mayor and governor martin o'malley. 11 news i team analyzes the evidence presented by each leader. plus, workers well underway at baltimore city's horseshoe casino. we will get an up-close look at the early stages of construction. we will have these stories for you and much
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>> the ravens go back on the road this weekend, taking on the buffalo bills and upstate new york. after two days of talking about the ravens off the field, pete gilbert introduces us to a ravens safety with the tricky last name who played his best game with baltimore on sunday against the texans. kind of funny in a week where ray lewis questions the leadership ability of this week -- of this team, we are finding more rising, emerging leaders in this locker room. he is a rising star in baltimore. >> i don't know if anything surprises me about james. >> james arrived in baltimore as
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a special team are cast off by the patriots. persistent and patience -- persistence and patience paid off as he made clear he can make an impact on defense. about thise thing business, when you have an opportunity, it is about what you do. i say this to young guys, this league does not owe you anything. all you have is an opportunity. what you do with that opportunity is up to you. >> continued good work landed him a job at safety where sunday against houston he offered up the best game of his career. now as a veteran starter, he gets to play mentor as well. >> he teaches me the small things of the game. i feel like he is a great leader. his knowledge has taken my game to another level. >> a level that includes celebrating a big play. you cannot spell his last name without d-i-g. >> the ravens fans gave him the nick van gravedigger. they are just letting him know.
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play and emotional game, that will keep coming all day long. >> in baltimore, anyone in purple, they are digging what he is shoveling. hovering the ravens, pete gilbert, wbal tv 11 sports. >> now your 11 instaweather plus forecast with tom tasselmeyer. >> 76 degrees in downtown baltimore. this beautiful weather hat pattern will hold into the upcoming weekend. a little weather system passing south of us, but nothing more than a few clouds in the area. the temperatures are quite comfortable. heaven the around manchester. crownsville at 72 degrees. salisbury, 79. a little warmer down there. leonardtown at 73. 10 degrees cooler in oakland where it is only 63. a little further south, a few sparkles of rain are following. showers coming up out of the north carolina area into southern virginia. you can see showers encounter
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dry air over here. they fall apart once they get towards central west virginia and virginia. other than a few clouds passing by early tonight, expect generally dry, cold conditions to continue. the cover tonight might keep the temperature up little bit. it acts as a blanket across the area, trapping some of the heat of the day. instead of falling into the low 40s, upper 40s will be more likely. closer to 60 degrees in downtown baltimore with a northeast breeze and less than five miles per hour. i pressure is sitting up to our north and has weakened a little bit over the region. it allows this disturbance to pass to the south of us tonight and tomorrow. we'll hold onto partly cloudy skies. i pressure will build and strong again. lots of sunshine for friday and sunday -- and saturday. degrees in rapid city, south dakota, but it is snowing across the mountains of wyoming and montana. they have winter storm warnings in effect. maybe early next week that will have a chance to bring us some
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showers, but it will take a while to get here. meantime, partly cloudy tomorrow. sunny skies on friday. temperatures continue to be quite comfortable across the region. the storm that was trying to form off the coast of some computer models looks like it will stay in the ocean. 71-76 degrees. sunrise at 6:50 eight tomorrow. general wins out of the east and northeast. waves less than a foot. 75 degrees. the western maryland mountains are starting to warm up a little bit, but it is still very nice. sunny to partly cloudy on thursday and friday. highs around 67. eastern shore locations in the 70s with some sun and clouds mixed tomorrow. all out sunshine for friday and saturday, though there might be a bit of fog each morning. same thing at the coast. partly cloudy skies in the afternoon. at she fog in the morning going into friday and saturday. -- patchy fog in the morning going into friday and saturday. the offshore storm staying way
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out over the ocean. no threat of rain from that. our next significant chance is only 20% chance of a shower on monday. temperatures warm into the upper 70s, and partly cloudy and comfortable again on tuesday and wednesday. we begin tonight's consumer alert with a look at the source of all of those bedtime stories and references overnight on capitol hill. the affordable health care act. texas senator ted cruz tossed 21 hour complete. the online help insurance marketplaces will open in less than a week. many people remain confused over what to expect and how to enroll. let's give you some help. the most important thing right now to know is the enrollment throughoctober 1 december 15. that is for coverage starting in january. well there are retail stores that will allow consumers to get face-to-face help, you can also go online for a live chat option. you'll need to know your income to find out your cost and whether you qualify for
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subsidies. >> when you are shopping, you will pay the amount of the premium minus the subsidy. you will see that benefit upfront. >> one big change, the application process will not examine your health and will not include questions about pre- existing conditions like cancer or diabetes. if you don't have online access, you can sign up by calling 1- 800-318-2896. we have continuing coverage on our website at try our talk you later to compare premiums and subsidies. watch videos of answers to frequently asked questions, and click through the helpful links we have gathered for you. click on the health care reform link at the top of the site. the cost of a postage stamp may be going up by three cents coming the first of the year, that is at the new postal service proposal goes through. agency officials are asking to raise the price of a first-class
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stamp 240 nine cents starting in late january. the postal service says without it it will put -- it will quickly run out of cash. the price increase is expected to generate some $2 billion in annual revenue for the postal service. -- rearview video systems will be the next feature added to the federal government's list of recommended safety tools for automakers, but safety groups are calling the action a stall tactic. in 2008, congress imposed a 2011 deadline for the national highway traffic safety administration to ensure vehicle rear visibility. with the regulation two-and-a- half years overdue, advocate groups are expected to file a lawsuit over the issue. the suit is asking for a mandatory rule from the department of transportation within 90 days. after a scathing investigation revealed that baltimore had more sexual assault cases is missed that anywhere else in the country,
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city leaders say they are making major progress when it comes to rape. mayor stephanie rawlings bright took to the podium today to reveal the findings from the sexual response assaulting -- the sexual assault response team. it outlined how teams handled cases of rape and assault. rapes and the salt is down 17% from last year. [indiscernible] just three years ago, we were all frustrated with our progress. >> the mayor also announced the creation of the community partner committee. it grew out of the desire for closer collaboration with the community. working six days a week seems to be paying off in south baltimore. coming up, 11 news goes inside the cities -- the city's new
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porsche casino. we will look at the progress being made on its construction. >> right here is one of the most popular spots. i'm talking about a purple evening. it is back. i and jennifer francie a-day. details are straightahead.
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you, uh, here for the interview? yeah... is that...? it is! (sigh) naomi, i take it? i'm tracey. your résumé is fantastic... (slurping) with authentic, expertly crafted roasts and legendary brews, eight o'clock is the coffee for those who put coffee first. (slurp) (whirring)
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>> the ravens or on the road this weekend as they take on the buffalo bills, but come monday night, the stadium will be packed with ravens fans. it is girls night out. jennifer franciotti has more on the purple evening. >> on monday, the stadium belongs to the ladies. a purple evening when girl power rules. come on out or bring friends and family. it is a one night of the year dedicated to female ravens fans. >> our fans truly have the run
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of the stadium that evening. they are on the field. they are on the concourse. the are getting autographs in the locker room. we will have bingo going on. we will have all of our sponsors here with giveaways. >> wine tastings will benefit the american cancer society. the baltimore ravens started the purple evening seven years ago as one of the ways to celebrate one of the biggest female fan bases in the nfl. now cap at 5000 because of its popularity, a purple evening has become a do not miss event. it is part ravens football, and we have the best fans in baltimore. >> the players know it. ladies night, why wouldn't they want to come? last year, there were over three dozen who showed up to sign fans -- to meet fans and sign autographs. >> they get a lot of attention. it is different from game day attention. the purple evening really is unique. >> don't forget to bring your camera. it runs from 4:00 until 10:00 on
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monday. tickets are $45. >> just to make it more fun every year, the ravens have a giveaway at the gate. this is this year's slack. a black and purple bag, lots of pockets, and check out the back. wbal tv 11 news. >> i hear it is always a great time for the purple evening. that is all for us at 5:00. here is a look at what is coming up at 6:00. >> construction on baltimore's new casino is well underway. i've got details straight ahead. activity leads to a police pursuit ends in a crash. new details, straightahead. >> the governor pushes again to get the city to do what he did to fight crime. does it invite scrutiny he does not want? >> you are watching wba l -- wbal tv 11. live, local, latebreaking, this is 11 news at 6:00 p.m.. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group]
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ofour big story, around two the tiff between baltimore mayor and the governor over his makeign to get the city to thousands of arrest per year. the mayor says the debate is making sun communities uneasy. should the governor worry about renewed scrutiny about his record on crime? jayne miller joins us live. >> many wonder what the governor is up to, sticking his nose in the city's business like this. his record on violent crime reduction is front and center. a record that has some holes. communities, they are known as the bad old days when so many people got locked up the line at an overcrowded central booking was long. but governor martin o'malley argues all those arrests reduced violent crime. in an op-ed police published in "the baltimore sun," he steps up his campaign to get the city to return to his policing strategy that led to more than 100,000 arrests per year. many for the most minor
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offenses. homicides are going up for a second year in a row, and shootings are up year to date. why? i believe it has to do with the fact that imprisonment levels have fallen to a 13 year low. the governor calls critics of his policy ideologues on the left. so long as levels of enforcement continue to decline, should -- decline, shootings and homicides will go up. the mayor disagrees. >> the data shows more arrests did not lead to a safer city. >> the mayor's office produced this chart showing a decline in crime since 2006, the year o'malley left city hall. it was to counter this chart produced by the governor to argue otherwise. >> as this conversation is going on, i think there is an exciting that is building in some of our communities that we are going back. to a time when communities felt like their kids were under siege. mainime reduction is a feature of o'malley's portfolio.
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as mayor, he claimed the steepest reductions in the country. it was based on stats he had audited of his predecessor, and as a result, declared inflated by some criminologists. admitted -- showed his gun crime reduction claim wasn't supported by the count of gunshot injuries in hospital ers. some speculate o'malley is trying to protect his record with his digs at the city's current policies. the mayor says there is no turning back. >> i want to allay any concerns of that might be out there that that is the path that we will turn to. that is not going to happen. >> the mayor says that under the arrest policies of o'malley's time as mayor the city's arrest rate was one in six. reporting live tonight from the newsroom, wbal tv 11 news. >> city detectives have yet
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another homicide to investigate in baltimore city. this one happened just before 11:30 last night in the 1500 block of up shore road. authorities say that that is where they found a 52-year-old suffering from a gunshot wound to the back. he was taken to the hospital where he later died. there is no word on a suspect or possible motive. the 11 news i team has uncovered new information tonight into yesterday's deadly crash at the intersection of york road and northern parkway. three people lost their lives in what started out as a police pursuit of drug suspects. david collins is following developments. he joins us live from police headquarters with the latest read david -- with the latest. aided -- david? >> plainclothes officers called police dispatch to tell them that they observe illegal drug activity taking place. of course, the suspects took off. we have also learned the identity of the victim in the jeep that the suspect hit.
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please identify the innocent deceased victim of the york road -northern parkway crash is 46 as an 86-el -- 46 -- year-old -- as a 46 rolled. she had been staying with her daughter. angel was about to become a grandmother. traveledworkers' jeep on northern parkway, a honda slammed into it. familiar to a source with the investigation, the resulting fiery crash is the end of what started out as an attempt by plainclothes police officers to question two people they believe were engaged in illegal drug activity. northeast district officers in an unmarked car spotted the pair in a honda near the intersection of hartford road. the suspects took off. according to a source, the plainclothes officers stopped their pursuit, but authorities did monitor the vehicles travel. it is their honda that is on fire in this video, i can buy a
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resident near the intersection of york and river parkway. the pair died in the crash. ohns as ald develle j criminal history. it accounts multiple counts of drug possession, robbery, assault, and destruction of property. police arrested him for stealing a car. he has been cited for possession of a handgun inside a vehicle. crimp --8 rolled has a 28-year-old has a criminal record as well. according to the department of corrections, neither suspect was under state supervision at the time. mayor stephanie rawlings blake alleges the police best edition will be thorough. >> it is horrible. the tragedy. police officers were there. i've heard from them that they haven't seen an accident like that. >> angels family members frantically tried to reach her all day to save her daughter went into labo


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